Information on chemical compounds and radiation.
In today's world, in the increasingly polluted air there are harmful compounds that adversely affect our health. Here are the compounds that have a negative effect on our body:

1). Nitrogen oxides (NOx) - It is important to know that they damage the lungs, reduce the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood and can cause cancer. They also reduce the body's resistance to bacterial infections, irritate the eyes and respiratory tract, cause respiratory disorders, and cause asthma. You should also know that nitrogen dioxide can irritate the lungs and make it less resistant to respiratory infections.

2). Cadmium, mercury, lead (heavy metals) - mercury leads to impaired memory, movement and pattern disorders. It damages the kidneys and impairs fertility. Cadmium in turn damages the kidneys, bones and lungs. It causes shortness of breath and joint and muscle pain. Lead attacks the digestive and nervous systems again, causes muscle paralysis, hematuria and brain disorders.

3). Benzo (a) pyrene B (a) P - it is a particularly dangerous, carcinogenic substance that accumulates mainly in the lungs. It also damages the adrenal glands, liver, circulatory system and immune system. It often leads to infertility.

4). Benzene (C6H6) - causes severe poisoning. Initially headache, fatigue, then respiratory failure, bleeding from mucous membranes, arrhythmias.

5). Sulfur dioxide (SO2) - intensely irritates the respiratory system, reduces the ability of the blood to absorb and carry oxygen. It also causes bronchospasm, damages the lungs, and exacerbates asthma.

6). Ozone (O3) - irritates the respiratory system, impairs lung function, promotes asthma attacks, reduces resistance to infections, increases symptoms of bronchitis, emphysema.

7). Carbon monoxide (CO) - combines with hemoglobin and reduces the absorption of oxygen into the blood and its transport to tissues. It also causes severe circulatory, heart and nervous system disorders.

8). Suspended dusts (PM10 and PM2, 5) - their fine particles initially penetrate deep into the lungs, and then into the blood. The finer, the faster and deeper. Most often they cause acute attacks of coughing and acute bronchitis. It should be remembered that they also increase the risk of serious respiratory diseases such as COPD, vasculitis and atherosclerosis, indirectly heart attack and stroke.