Cities with the biggest problems with air pollution – how are they doing?

Air pollution is one of the biggest problems faced by many cities in the world today. The increase in the number of vehicles and factories, as well as the large-scale burning of coal or wood, makes the air more and more toxic and harmful to health. Below are some of the cities that have the biggest air pollution problems and what measures they have taken to address it.

Delhi, India

Delhi is one of the most polluted cities in the world. Many residents suffer from respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. One of the main sources of air pollution is the burning of fossil fuels, as well as seasonal forest and farmland fires.

To remedy this, the Indian government has introduced a number of measures, such as banning coal and wood smoking, restricting car traffic and increasing the number of electric buses. A program has also been introduced that offers residents free anti-pollution masks.

Beijing, China

Beijing is another city that is struggling with serious problems with air pollution. Many people in the city have respiratory problems and also suffer from cardiovascular diseases.

Beijing authorities have introduced many measures to improve air quality in the city. One of them is the ban on burning coal in households and factories. Exhaust emission standards for cars and limiting car traffic in the city center were also introduced.

Mexico City, Mexico

Mexico City is another city that is struggling with air pollution problems. The inhabitants of the city have many health problems and also suffer from respiratory diseases.

The Mexican authorities have introduced many measures, such as limiting the number of vehicles on the roads, banning the burning of garbage and increasing the number of parks and urban gardens. A program has also been introduced that offers residents free public transport tickets on days when air pollution levels are at their highest.

Los Angeles, United States

Los Angeles is one of the largest cities in the United States with serious air pollution problems. The inhabitants of the city suffer from respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.

Los Angeles authorities have introduced many measures, such as a ban on burning wood, limiting the number of cars on the road and increasing the number of electric buses. Emission standards for cars and factories have also been introduced.

Cairo, Egypt

Cairo is a city that has serious problems with air pollution. This is mainly due to exhaust fumes from cars and waste incineration. The Cairo authorities have put in place a number of measures to remedy this. For example, a ban on incineration of waste in the open air was introduced, as well as a ban on the use of old vehicles whose emissions exceed the permissible standards.


As you can see, air pollution is a problem that affects many cities around the world. However, the authorities of many cities take a lot of measures to improve air quality and provide residents with a healthy living environment. The introduction of exhaust emission standards, the ban on smoking coal and wood, and the reduction of the number of cars on the road are just some of the measures aimed at combating air pollution.